Corporate Sponsorship
The Alton Symphony Orchestra has been “Making Music Come Alive For All” for over 78 years, whether it be through community outreach projects, scholarship funding, or simply bringing music to Alton. Approximately 75% of our operating budget comes from donations from our patrons and fundraising events.
Becoming an ASO corporate sponsor allows you to make an immediate impact on the Alton community by providing essential funding for the ASO’s core programs, which further music education and enrich the Alton community. Most importantly, these sponsorship options give you the opportunity to share the excitement of our upcoming season and are designed to provide maximum visibility for your business to a most desirable clientele.
Sponsorship Levels
General Sponsor
Music Education Sponsor
Music Library Sponsor
Concert Supporter
This level helps support the costs of printing programs and paying extra musicians and soloists to enrich our concerts.
Full Page Ad in all regular season concert programs
Stationary Ad on the ASO website (through June 2025)
1 set of Season Tickets for the 2024-2025 Season
Full Screen recognition as an ASO Supporter before each concert
Each year ASO spends $1,400 on our Marie Stillwell Concerto Competition and our Music For All Scholarship.
Full Page Ad in all regular season concert programs
Stationary Ad on the ASO website (through June 2025)
2 sets of Season Tickets for the 2024-2025 Concert Season
Full Screen recognition as an ASO Supporter before each concert
Mentioned on our website as a supporter of Music Education
Mentioned in all ASO Educational Marketing as a supporter of Music Education
Mentioned in ASO Concert Programs featuring scholarship recipients, competition winners, and youth orchestra collaborations as a Music Education supporter
This level supports the cost of maintaining our music library, copying, purchasing, and replacing old music, and paying our music librarian to oversee the process.
Full Page Ad in all regular season concert programs
Stationary Ad on the ASO website (through June 2025)
4 sets of Season Tickets for the 2024-2025 Concert Season
Full Screen recognition as an ASO Supporter before each concert
Mentioned in the ASO concert programs as a Music Library Sponsor
Free Sponsorship of 1 round of Trivia at the ASO Annual Trivia Night
This level supports paying our musicians, conductor, and properties manager, catering, and printing/marketing costs. Each concert costs approximately $5,000 to produce.
Full Page Ad in all regular season concert programs
Stationary Ad on the ASO website (through June 2025)
8 sets of Season Tickets for the 2024-2025 Concert Season
Exclusive reserved "Box Seats" for up to a total of 20 people to one concert of your choosing (first come first serve, dates available October 26, 2024 - December 7, 2024 - February 23, 2025 - April 26, 2025)
Full Screen recognition as a Concert Supporter before each concert
Mentioned in the ASO concert program as a Concert Supporter
Recognition at the ASO Annual Trivia Night as an elite sponsor of our organization
Mention of corporate name on ASO Annual Trivia Night Marketing
If you are interested in being a corporate sponsor for ASO please email us at altonsymphony@gmail.com so we can collect your necessary information for programing purposes.
If you have already given us your information and would not like to pay by check, you can use the link below to pay for your sponsorship.